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Honey gave SEK 10.000 to Julänglarna

Honey gave SEK 10.000 to Julänglarna

This autumn, the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs has sold honey that the company's own bees in Karlstad produced. Everyone that bought a jar has had a say in who will get the surplus from the sales. Kathrine Löfberg presented SEK 10.000 to Julänglarna, which got the most votes, this Tuesday.

100% good coffee from Löfbergs

The interest for organic and sustainability labelled products has exploded over the last year. Now, it will be even easier for Swedish consumers to choose sustainable goods from the coffee shelf as well. As from September, Löfbergs delivers 100% good coffee to grocery stores.

Löfbergs's honey is a sweet deal

Löfbergs's honey is a sweet deal

There was quite a buzz when Löfbergs hired 100,000 new Swedish co-workers in previously this year. It had to do with bees that during the summer have contributed to a greener urban environment - and they have produced a lot of tasty honey. The honey will be sold at Löfbergs's own café, Rosteriet, where the customers get to choose who should get the profit from the sales.

H&M, IKEA, Volvo - and Löfbergs

Löfbergs's effort of taking responsibility for people and environment is increasingly being noticed. The family-owned coffee roaster has been invited to a unique network for companies that cooperate for sustainable development. Sida, a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world, coordinates the network.

Löfbergs invited to summit on food

Löfbergs invited to summit on food

Bill Clinton is the keynote speaker when the summit EAT - Stockholm Food Forum is arranged for the first time. The meeting gathers 650 scientists, policy-makers and business professionals from all over the world to discuss the way to a healthy and sustainable food industry. The initiator Gunhild A. Stordalen welcomes the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs as a partner.

Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability work

Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability work

The coffee roaster Löfbergs received the award Excellent Sustainable Supplier today. The Swedish Environmental Management Council (SEMCo) rewards a company that is successfully working with the supply of green products and services.

Nordic Choice and Compass Group chose Löfbergs

Nordic Choice and Compass Group chose Löfbergs

Löfbergs secures its leading position in the Swedish Out of Home market. In a joint procurement, Nordic Choice and Compass Group chooses to prolong their agreement with the family-owned coffee roaster. Except for a lot of good coffee, the agreement involves a unique investment in sustainability.

The Karlstad sun – the motor of a unique testing facility

The Karlstad sun – the motor of a unique testing facility

The Karlstad sun will now have to prove worthy of its reputation as Löfbergs and ClimateWell is building the world's first large-scale testing facility of solar panels for heating as well as cooling. The new technology reduces energy use and CO2 emissions, and the project is being followed with very great interest by the European Commission among others.

Löfbergs received environment award

Löfbergs received environment award

Löfbergs received the Environment Award of the Year at the Swedish Dagligvarugalan. The family-owned coffee roaster was awarded for its genuine and transparent sustainability work.

Löfbergs nominated for three awards at Dagligvarugalan

Many great contributions in the retail trade are rewarded at Dagligvarugalan in Sweden. Today, this year's finalists were presented. Löfbergs is nominated for no less than three awards, including the Environment Award of the Year.

Löfbergs praised for sustainability work

Löfbergs praised for sustainability work

Löfbergs is one of Sweden's 10 best role models in the sustainability field - this according to a survey that was presented during the Almedalen Week in Sweden. 200 sustainability experts were given the opportunity to give their opinion on companies that are in the forefront, and Löfbergs is one of them.

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