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H&M, IKEA, Volvo - and Löfbergs

Löfbergs's effort of taking responsibility for people and environment is increasingly being noticed. The family-owned coffee roaster has been invited to a unique network for companies that cooperate for sustainable development. Sida, a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world, coordinates the network.

- We are welcoming Löfbergs to our network, where they with their long commitment of working in coffee producing countries will contribute with important experiences regarding concrete measures and results, says Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, director-general at Sida.

- Löfbergs is a company that Sida is very familiar with through our mutual project, where we help coffee farmers in Tanzania, Guatemala and Vietnam to adapt to the effects of climate change as well as improve their ability to provide for themselves.

The network Swedish Leadership for Sustainable Development consists of around 20 leading companies with Swedish connections, working for good leadership in sustainability. The ambition is to reduce poverty and find long-term solutions to today's major development challenges.

- We are so proud to have the opportunity to be a part of this. This means that we are doing great things. We will get new contacts that can make us even better when it comes to sustainability, says Lars Appelqvist, CEO at Löfbergs.

Members of the network: Axel Johnson, Boliden, Elekta, Ericsson, Företagarna, H&M, ICA, IKEA, Indiska, Investor, Löfbergs, Oriflame, Ratos, Sandvik, Scania, SKF, SPP, Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm International Water Institute, Swedfund, Systembolaget, Tele2, Tetra Laval, Unilever och Volvo.

The network has adopted a joint declaration of four priority areas where leadership, knowledge and past experiences of the Swedish business industry can play a vital role for sustainable development in the world:

  • Creation of jobs with decent working conditions
  • Reduction of corruption and unethical behaviour
  • Reduction of negative environmental impacts and maximisation of resource efficiency
  • Integration of sustainable development into core business models and activities

For more information:
Lars Appelqvist, CEO, Löfbergs, +46 (0) 54-14 01 29,

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Löfbergs is one of the largest family-owned coffee roasters in the Nordic countries. The company has 300 employees and a turnover of SEK 1.5 billion. The head office is situated in Karlstad, Sweden and the company has its own roasting-houses in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Latvia. The company was founded in 1906 and is today one of the world's largest importers of ecological and Fairtrade labelled coffee. Löfbergs also owns the tea brand Kobbs.


Anders Thorén

Anders Thorén

Press contact Head of Corporate Communications +46 703 55 64 22