Extend the summer with Kobbs Wild Raspberry
A black, 100 % organic tea with the taste of wild raspberries and Swedish summer. That is the latest addition to Kobb's popular family of teas.
A black, 100 % organic tea with the taste of wild raspberries and Swedish summer. That is the latest addition to Kobb's popular family of teas.
Ruotsi vai Suomi? Me Löfbergsillä voimme kannustaa kumpaakin maata kansainvälisissä kokkikilpailuissa. Olemme tehneet yhteistyötä monta vuotta Ruotsin maajoukkueen kanssa, ja nyt perheyrityksemme ryhtyy yhteistyöhön myös Suomen maajoukkueen kanssa.
Sweden or Finland? During international chef competitions, Löfbergs will be able to root for two different teams. The company has worked together with the Swedish Culinary Team for several years, and the family-owned coffee roaster has now initiated cooperation with the Finnish Culinary Team as well.
Many great contributions in the retail trade are rewarded at Dagligvarugalan in Sweden. Today, this year's finalists were presented. Löfbergs is nominated for no less than three awards, including the Environment Award of the Year.
Cresta Awards is an international advertising competition based in New York. For the first time, the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs is one of the finalists. The company has been nominated for its campaign "En god anledning att ses" (A good reason to get together).
Löfbergs is one of Sweden's 10 best role models in the sustainability field - this according to a survey that was presented during the Almedalen Week in Sweden. 200 sustainability experts were given the opportunity to give their opinion on companies that are in the forefront, and Löfbergs is one of them.
The Swedish company Löfbergs continues its expansion in Europe. The family-owned coffee roaster is buying the British company Food Brands Group. Through this acquisition, Löfbergs will establish in British retail market. The acquisition is the largest one in Löfbergs's more than hundred-year history.
They drink more coffee than anyone else in the world, and they are traditionally a bit fairer than other Europeans. But now the dark roast coffee gains ground in Finland. In a recent study, Kharisma and Crescendo from Löfbergs get high marks from Finnish consumers.
Suomalaiset nauttivat eniten kahvia maailmassa väkilukuun suhteutettuna. Perinteisesti suomalaiset juovat vaaleapaahtoisempaa kahvia kuin muualla Euroopassa. Tummapaahtoinen kahvi on kuitenkin nyt entistä suositumpaa ja valtaa markkinaosuutta Suomessa. Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan Kahvipaahtimo Löfbergsin tummapaahtoiset Kharisma ja Crescendo saavat huippuarvosanat suomalaisilta kahvinjuojilta.
The market for coffee capsules is substantially growing in Sweden. And Löfbergs is growing most of all. According to numbers from Nielsen Company, Löfbergs has more than doubled its sales since the turn of the year
Increasing sales. Month after month. For almost two years. Löfberg's introduction of Kharisma in Sweden has far exceeded all expectations. For the latest twelve-month period (March 2012-February 2013), the growth was a stunning 96 percent, which is more than twice as much as for other established products within the dark-roast segment.
The number of products is increasing, and so are the volumes. With that, Löfbergs's storage rooms in central Karlstad, Sweden, have become too small. Now, the family-owned coffee roaster is turning to the municipality of Karlstad to be permitted to build new storage rooms outside the town centre.