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The Finnish culinary elite become coffee specialists

The Finnish culinary elite become coffee specialists

The interest for good food increases in all directions. The meal has become an overall experience – where coffee gets a more prominent role. This poses new challenges for the participants of the Finnish Culinary Team, which recently attended some special training and got to know more about the hot beverage.

Löfbergs received design award

Löfbergs received design award

The coffee roaster Löfberg's new design is to many people's taste - consumers as well as experts within the packaging industry. Last Thursday, Löfberg's received the Packaging Design Awards that was given out at the exhibition Pack & Emballage in Stockholm, Sweden.

Colourful and expressive capsule machines from Löfbergs

Colourful and expressive capsule machines from Löfbergs

Löfbergs is expanding its assortment of capsule machines with two new models. On one hand, we have a hot, expressive Portuguese and on the other, a classic, but colourful Italian. They are both suitable for home or the smaller office.

Martin's exclusive flavour favourites

Martin's exclusive flavour favourites

Great flavour has been the centre of the business since 1906 when his great grandfather founded Löfbergs. Now, Martin Löfberg has travelled around the world and found his flavour favourites. They have been given the name Löfbergs Edge - an exclusive series of coffee, straight from four carefully selected cooperatives.

Löfbergs voitti ympäristöpalkinnon

Löfbergs voitti ympäristöpalkinnon

Löfbergs voitti vuoden ympäristöpalkinnon ruotsalaisessa päivittäistavarakaupan Dagligvarugalan-gaalassa. Perheyrityksenä toimivaa kahvinpaahtimoa ylistettiin sen perusteellisesta ja läpinäkyvästä työstä kestävän kehityksen eteen.

Löfbergs received environment award

Löfbergs received environment award

Löfbergs received the Environment Award of the Year at the Swedish Dagligvarugalan. The family-owned coffee roaster was awarded for its genuine and transparent sustainability work.

Record growth for Löfberg's coffee capsules

Record growth for Löfberg's coffee capsules

Löfbergs is headed toward a record year for its sales of coffee capsules. So far, the sales in Sweden have increased with 152 % this year - to be compared with the total growth on the market, which is 75 %. This according to recent numbers from Nielsen Company.*

Heja Sverige – ja Suomi!

Heja Sverige – ja Suomi!

Ruotsi vai Suomi? Me Löfbergsillä voimme kannustaa kumpaakin maata kansainvälisissä kokkikilpailuissa. Olemme tehneet yhteistyötä monta vuotta Ruotsin maajoukkueen kanssa, ja nyt perheyrityksemme ryhtyy yhteistyöhön myös Suomen maajoukkueen kanssa.

Go Sweden - and Finland!

Go Sweden - and Finland!

Sweden or Finland? During international chef competitions, Löfbergs will be able to root for two different teams. The company has worked together with the Swedish Culinary Team for several years, and the family-owned coffee roaster has now initiated cooperation with the Finnish Culinary Team as well.

Löfbergs nominated for three awards at Dagligvarugalan

Many great contributions in the retail trade are rewarded at Dagligvarugalan in Sweden. Today, this year's finalists were presented. Löfbergs is nominated for no less than three awards, including the Environment Award of the Year.

Löfbergs is in the running for an international advertising award

Löfbergs is in the running for an international advertising award

Cresta Awards is an international advertising competition based in New York. For the first time, the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs is one of the finalists. The company has been nominated for its campaign "En god anledning att ses" (A good reason to get together).

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