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Löfbergs widens its capsule assortment

​The sales of coffee capsules continue to increase in Sweden. The coffee roaster Löfbergs is now widening its assortment with a number of new tasty capsules for filter coffee and espresso.

Iced coffee - hotter than expected

Iced coffee - hotter than expected

Have you had iced coffee this summer? You are not the only one. The sales of iced coffee have been significantly better than expected for the coffee roaster Löfbergs - so good that there will be an increase in production.

​Suomikiekko ruotsalaisen kahvin perässä

​Suomikiekko ruotsalaisen kahvin perässä

Nyt on tarjolla ruotsalaista kahvia jääkiekosta pitäville suomalaisille. On nimittäin varmistunut, että Löfbergsista tulee vielä uuden suomalaisen jääkiekkoareenan yhteystyökumppani. Tällä kertaa kyse on yhteistyöstä Lappeenrantalaisen SaiPan kanssa. Ruotsalainen kahvipaahtimo on jo mukana hallin toiminnassa Lahdessa ja Turussa, sekä Hartwall-kansallisareenalla Helsingissä.

Finnish hockey cries out for Swedish coffee

Finnish hockey cries out for Swedish coffee

Finns that are interested in hockey apparently want Swedish coffee. Löfbergs is now the coffee partner of another Finnish hockey arena. The company is cooperating with the hockey team SaiPa in Lappeenranta this time. The Swedish coffee roaster is already represented in the arenas in Lahti and Turku as well as in the national arena Hartwall in Helsinki.

Free coffee tasting at Löfbergs Stockholm

A lot of people want to learn more about coffee and different flavours. That is why Löfbergs Stockholm offers free coffee tasting at Kungsgatan 3 every Tuesday starting from 26 May. The coffee tasting takes about 15 minutes and everyone is welcome.

Löfbergs extends with Färjestad BK

Löfbergs extends with Färjestad BK

One of the longest relationships in Swedish elite sports becomes even longer. Löfbergs will continue as chief sponsor for Färjestad BK for another three years. The cooperation is enhanced at the same time. The new agreement means that Löfbergs has been Färjestad's chief sponsor for the last 26 years.

​​Focus on coffee when Sodexo further invests in Fairtrade

Sodexo in Sweden served more than 16 million cups of Fairtrade certified coffee last year. The services company is now taking the next step in its sustainability work. Only coffee that is Fairtrade certified will be served in Sodexo's own restaurants from now on.

Ice-cold news from Löfbergs – a challenger to Starbucks

Ice-cold news from Löfbergs – a challenger to Starbucks

​Drinking iced coffee is getting more and more popular, especially among younger people on the go. The global giant Starbucks have been dominating the Swedish market. Now, the family-owned coffee roaster Löfbergs is taking up the fight and launches Löfbergs ICE - a cooling iced coffee.

Löfbergs wants more restaurants to work in a sustainable way

Löfbergs wants more restaurants to work in a sustainable way

The coffee roaster Löfbergs is working together with several other operators within the cooperation project Sustainable Restaurants to highlight the sustainability issue within the Swedish restaurant business. A new toolbox customized for restaurants is launched today. The toolbox can help restaurants to work in a more structural way with sustainability matters.

Löfbergs opens a new coffee Mecca in Stockholm

Löfbergs opens a new coffee Mecca in Stockholm

The coffee roaster Löfbergs is opening the doors to its new flagship at Kungsgatan 3 in Stockholm today - a familiar meeting place, where the coffee experience is the main focus.

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