The best coffee experience will be awarded
Which restaurant in Sweden will offer you the best coffee experience? That will be announced on March 4 at the yearly White Guide gala.
Which restaurant in Sweden will offer you the best coffee experience? That will be announced on March 4 at the yearly White Guide gala.
Nå tar Löfbergs inn 500 grams hardvacuumpakker i sitt norske sortiment. Samtidig øker man tilbudet med flere nye smaksrike kaffesorter fra Löfbergs, blandt annet Mellanrost som lenge har vært en bestselger i Sverige.
Löfbergs is now bringing 500 grams hard vacuum packages into its Norwegian assortment. At the same time, the supply is increasing with several new coffees full of flavour from Löfbergs. Among the new coffees, we find Medium Roast, which has been a bestseller in Sweden for a long time.
Many coffee farmers around the world are adversely affected by the climate changes - with poorer living conditions as a cause. Now, Sida is taking joint action together with Löfbergs and nine other coffee companies. In a common development project, they want to improve the possibilities for small-scale coffee farmers to meet the climate changes and increase their income.
Jubileum and Kharisma are two of the most popular fine-grind coffees from Löfbergs. Previously, they have only been sold as ground coffee and whole beans. Now, they are also launched as coffee capsules - a rapidly increasing segment in Sweden.
Which is the best café in Sweden? That and much more will White Guide Café, a brand new guidebook with the 150 best cafés in Sweden, tell you. At Löfbergs, which is a key partner, the hope is that the guide will further increase the interest for the Swedish café culture.
Increased production, higher quality and better standard of living. That is the result of a three-year development project in Brazil, which Löfbergs has undertaken. The project involved 500 coffee farmers and their families.
The Brits are more and more interested in Swedish flavours. Google's office in London has decided to invest in Swedish coffee. The goal is to make their staff best in town. They are turning to coffee experts from Löfbergs for help.
Lars Appelqvist at Löfbergs may be CEO of the Year. This year's finalists for the prestigious Swedish award have been presented. The goal with this award is to bring out good examples and pay attention to competent CEOs, who are leading their organizations and Swedish business forward. On October 25, the winners will be revealed.
Today, Sweden is ranked as the loneliest country in the world. This is something that the coffee roaster Löfbergs wants to change. That is why they lend their advertising space in their largest campaign ever to transsexuals, birdwatchers and people looking for the Great Lake monster - helping them recruit new members to their associations. More flourishing associations mean a less lonely Sweden.
The coffee roaster Löfbergs is making a great brand investment on the Finnish market with the dark roasted coffee Kharisma.
Kahvipaahtimo Löfbergs luottaa tumman kahvin voimaan suomalaisilla kahvimarkkinoilla. Keihäänkärkenä on tummapaahtoinen Kharisma-kahvi.