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Transsexuals make Sweden less lonely

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Transsexuals make Sweden less lonely

Today, Sweden is ranked as the loneliest country in the world. This is something that the coffee roaster Löfbergs wants to change. That is why they lend their advertising space in their largest campaign ever to transsexuals, birdwatchers and people looking for the Great Lake monster - helping them recruit new members to their associations. More flourishing associations mean more meetings and a less lonely Sweden.

 Millions of Swedes are active in an association. But a survey from Statistics Sweden shows that many associations run the risk of disappearing due to a lack of commitment and a decreasing number of members*. That is why Löfbergs has chosen to dedicate its largest advertising campaign of all times to help associations find new members and in that way contribute to a less lonely Sweden**.

- This gives us some extra attention. It can result in more members, more who believe that there is something in the Great Lake. I am sure about what is in the lake. I have had it hooked three metres from my boat, says Evert Festin from the association Föreningen Storsjöodjuret in Östersund.

Besides the campaign, Sweden’s largest register of associations is created. From the beginning, there are more than 1,000 associations registered, which makes it easy to find an association - despite what you are interested in.

- We want to do what our coffee does, which is to encourage people to meet. Coffee is an important part of our culture and we can contribute by being a great reason to get together, says Leif Sjöblom, marketing manager at Löfbergs.

Biggest investment ever
Löfbergs has chosen to bring out five associations to star on TV in Löfberg's largest brand investment of all times: Transföreningen FPES in Malmö, Föreningen Storsjöodjuret in Östersund, Göteborgs Fågelförening, Svenska Järnvägars Musikkår and Sällskapet Gustafs skål. The campaign will be seen on TV, in cinemas, in papers, as outdoor advertising as well as in social media all over the country this autumn. 

- We do not know what it means yet, but we hope for a greater visibility. We work for increasing the awareness that transsexuals are of common occurrence in our society. This is a great way of doing it. It is also a great initiative of Löfbergs to bring out people who work with associations, says Tinahåkan Jönsson of Transföreningen FPES in Malmö.

- It is a fun thing to be seen. The hobby of birds is a more or less dying hobby. People are obsessed with cats and dogs. That is why it is extra fun to be seen. And as we drink coffee when we get together, this is perfect for us, says Maria Ahlström at Göteborgs Fågelförening.

- It is fun to try something new and be seen. Naturally, we hope that it can shed some light on brass bands in Sweden. We lead a somewhat languishing life. Maybe this can result in more members and more new, fun and exciting concerts for us and other bands, says Pia Pettersson Sjölund at Svenska Järnvägars Musikkår in Mariefred.

For more information:
Leif Sjöblom, Marketing Manager, Löfbergs, telephone: +46 (0) 54-14 01 42

*Föreningslivet i Sverige, rapport nr 98 (2003) Statistics Sweden
**Swedish Mentality (1998) Åke Daun, Nordstedts Akademiska förlag; Uppskattning av ensamhushåll i Sverige (2007) Statistics Sweden; Housing statistics in the European Union (2005/2006) EU report



Löfbergs is one of the largest family-owned coffee roasters in the Nordic countries. The company has 280 employees and a turnover of SEK 1.5 billion. The head office is situated in Karlstad, Sweden and the company has its own roasting-houses in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Latvia. The company was founded in 1906 and is today one of the world's largest importers of ecological and Fairtrade labelled coffee. Löfbergs also owns the tea brand Kobbs.


Anders Thorén

Anders Thorén

Press contact Head of Corporate Communications +46 703 55 64 22

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