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First with 100 % aluminium free coffee capsules

Shortly, Löfbergs Lila will be first in Sweden with Fairtrade certified coffee capsules. This as a part of the company's investment in sustainability, where one goal is that all coffee that Löfbergs Lila sells will be certified within five years.

Löfbergs Lila's coffee capsules at ICA

Löfbergs Lila's coffee capsules at ICA

Löfbergs Lila's coffee capsules enter the food retailing widely. ICA, City Gross (Bergendahls) and Konsum Värmland will start selling the capsules from Löfbergs Lila. As from the beginning of February, there will be espresso, fine-grind coffee and chocolate capsules from Löfbergs Lila and Cloetta on the shelves.

Fairtrade certified and chocolate capsules from Löfbergs Lila

Löfbergs Lila is really widening its assortment of capsules. Shortly, the family business from Karlstad will be first in Sweden with Fairtrade certfied coffee capsules. At the same time, three capsules with chocolate flavours are launched in cooperation with Cloetta. Those who drink tea will also get their fill as Löfbergs Lila starts selling Kobbs tea in capsules. 
- The interest for capsule b

Restaurant on wheels pulls in in Sweden

Restaurant on wheels pulls in in Sweden

They can already be found in USA and in London. We have seen them on TV, on reality shows and in movies. They sell everything from fast food to gourmet food and coffee. Mobile restaurants, also known as food trucks, are making their entry in Sweden. Löfbergs Lila is one of the pioneers.

In one week, the number of likes on Facebook tripled

When we have 10.000 likes on Facebook, we treat you to coffee in the square. Earlier this autumn, that is what Löfbergs Lila promised - a promise they now have to carry out. A competition to win a trip to Brazil contributed to triple the number of likes in just one week.

New specialty coffee from Löfbergs Lila

Fine-grind coffee is getting more popular all over Sweden according to a poll carried out by Demoskop on behalf of Löfbergs Lila. At the same time, the interest for the origin of the coffee is increasing. Löfbergs Lila bears this in mind when launching the specialty coffee Magia Blanca for the Out of Home market. It is a coffee with rounded body that is Fairtrade certified as well as eco-labelled.

Löfberg's new café will attract coffee enthusiasts from all of Sweden

Löfberg's new café will attract coffee enthusiasts from all of Sweden

A place where you can learn how to drink coffee in a completely new way at the same time as you can see straight into production. This will be reality when Löfbergs Lila on September 2 opens the newest tourist attraction in Karlstad on the ground floor of their headquarters.

New marketing manager at Löfbergs Lila

New marketing manager at Löfbergs Lila

Leif Sjöblom is the new marketing manager at the family business Löfbergs Lila. Leif has recently worked at Fazer Restaurants where he worked as country manager and marketing manager. Kathrine Löfberg, former marketing manager at Löfbergs Lila, will be the group’s new director of communications.

Rosteriet - the name of Löfbergs Lila's café

Rosteriet - the name of Löfbergs Lila's café

Rosteriet (Swedish for roasting-house). That is the name of Löfbergs Lila's café. No less than five people had sent in the same name suggestion for the new place for experiencing coffee in Karlstad. The name also appealed to the jury.

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