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Joakim Svensson, Quality Engineer, and Madelene Breiling, Supply Chain Development Manager at Löfbergs with some of Löfbergs game changing packages.

​A circular game changer

The Löfbergs group is working to close the packaging loop and contribute to a circular economy. The family-owned company recently conducted a successful test of producing fully recyclable packages made of 50% bio-based polymers. The new packaging will be used by the Danish brand, Peter Larsen Kaffe, and is approved for recycling in Denmark. It is a truly game changing package.

​New coffee from Löfbergs for equal value

​New coffee from Löfbergs for equal value

A coffee for everyone. With the new Equality Light Roast, Löfbergs takes a stand for the equal value of all people. Löfbergs donates SEK 1 for every sold package to the Rainbow Fund, which works for a world where everyone is treated the same, no matter who you are or who you love.

​Swedish ICE Coffee and FIKA at the RC Show

​Swedish ICE Coffee and FIKA at the RC Show

Their organic, Fairtrade labelled ICE Coffee has become the Swedes favorite. How popular will it be in Canada? At the RC Show in Toronto February 24-26 you will find out. Here, the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs, a family business founded in 1906, will offer both cold and warm coffee drinks, now available in Canada.

Securing tomorrow’s morning coffee

A year ago, Kathrine Löfberg was appointed chairman of the board of the 110-year-old family company Löfbergs. She is now taking over the chairman's gavel of International Coffee Partners. From the start in 2001,ICP, has worked together with more than 30,000 farmers to make smallholder coffee farming more competitive and to improve livelihoods for coffee farmers all over the world.

Plant based capsules challenge Nespresso®

Plant based capsules challenge Nespresso®

Now everyone can enjoy good capsule coffee with a clear conscious. The coffee roaster Löfbergs launches a longed-for environmental innovation: a completely plant-based and compostable capsule that turns to compost after twelve weeks.The capsules fit all Nespresso® machines and come in five different flavours.

​​Focus on coffee when Sodexo further invests in Fairtrade

Sodexo in Sweden served more than 16 million cups of Fairtrade certified coffee last year. The services company is now taking the next step in its sustainability work. Only coffee that is Fairtrade certified will be served in Sodexo's own restaurants from now on.

Löfbergs reduced its climate impact

Löfbergs reduced its climate impact

Even though Löfbergs increased its production, the company's climate impact decreased. This is partly due to continuous energy efficiencies and more renewable energy. At the same time, the company sold a record amount of coffee from certified farms. This is shown in the coffee group's sustainability report for 2013/2014.

Honey gave SEK 10.000 to Julänglarna

Honey gave SEK 10.000 to Julänglarna

This autumn, the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs has sold honey that the company's own bees in Karlstad produced. Everyone that bought a jar has had a say in who will get the surplus from the sales. Kathrine Löfberg presented SEK 10.000 to Julänglarna, which got the most votes, this Tuesday.

100% good coffee from Löfbergs

The interest for organic and sustainability labelled products has exploded over the last year. Now, it will be even easier for Swedish consumers to choose sustainable goods from the coffee shelf as well. As from September, Löfbergs delivers 100% good coffee to grocery stores.

Löfbergs's honey is a sweet deal

Löfbergs's honey is a sweet deal

There was quite a buzz when Löfbergs hired 100,000 new Swedish co-workers in previously this year. It had to do with bees that during the summer have contributed to a greener urban environment - and they have produced a lot of tasty honey. The honey will be sold at Löfbergs's own café, Rosteriet, where the customers get to choose who should get the profit from the sales.

Dry, but hopeful in Brazil

Dry, but hopeful in Brazil

At the beginning of the year, it rains a lot in Brazil. Usually. This year, the country is experiencing its severest drought in a very long time. It has left its marks, especially among Brazilian coffee farmers. But despite the drought and water rationing, our purchaser Martin meets hopeful coffee farmers on his journey in the Brazilian state Minas Gerais.

H&M, IKEA, Volvo - and Löfbergs

Löfbergs's effort of taking responsibility for people and environment is increasingly being noticed. The family-owned coffee roaster has been invited to a unique network for companies that cooperate for sustainable development. Sida, a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world, coordinates the network.

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