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Topics: Ecological issues

Martin Löfberg spends a lot of his time on sustainable purchases. Here visiting Emilio Gonzales in Colombia.

Together for a fair growth

A fair growth on commercial conditions, where fundamental human rights are respected, is a prerequisite for sustainable development. To secure the supply of coffee for tomorrow, Löfbergs are working together with a number of players to improve the coffee farmers’ living conditions, development possibilities, and ability to adapt to the effects of climate change.

Kajsa-Lisa Ljudén, Sustainability Strategist at Löfbergs, tells more about the coffee roastery's framework for sustainable business.

A sustainable business framework

Löfbergs are determined to be in the forefront and contribute to a sustainable future. The starting point is to minimise the negative effect and maximise the positive. The perspective has always been to build for coming generations.

​Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability report

​Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability report

Löfbergs shares its sustainability successes and challenges in its sustainability report. The family-owned coffee roaster is now being awarded the Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards for its latest report. As a national winner, Löfbergs will be representing Sweden in the international final.

– It is a milestone that shows how important it is to set specific goals for your sustainability work, says Eva Eriksson, Director of Quality and Sustainability at Löfbergs.

Löfbergs and others in the Haga Initiative decrease their emissions

The ninth climate disclosure by the Haga Initiative shows that 11 of 12 member companies have reached the climate target by 2020, which is one year faster than planned. The coffee roaster Löfbergs is one of them. Altogether, the companies of the Haga Initiative have reduced their own emissions by 1.5 million tonnes of CO2e since they started measuring.
- Ten years with transparent climate targe

​Second Shot on coffee grounds

​Second Shot on coffee grounds

Drinks made of coffee grounds are low in caffeine and have a mild coffee flavour.
Here’s how:
Fill the portafilter with grounds just as you would when making an espresso.
Shorten the brewing time to 5 seconds.
Add 4-5 cl coffee syrup.
Add frothed milk, perhaps oat or pea milk, which are rich and bring out the flavours in a nice way.
With less sugar
Mix vanilla sugar and cardam

​Reuse the coffee grounds

​Reuse the coffee grounds

Reuse, refine and enjoy one more time. Coffee grounds can be used for a lot of good things. Here are some of them.

Joakim Svensson, Quality Engineer, and Madelene Breiling, Supply Chain Development Manager at Löfbergs with some of Löfbergs game changing packages.

​A circular game changer

The Löfbergs group is working to close the packaging loop and contribute to a circular economy. The family-owned company recently conducted a successful test of producing fully recyclable packages made of 50% bio-based polymers. The new packaging will be used by the Danish brand, Peter Larsen Kaffe, and is approved for recycling in Denmark. It is a truly game changing package.

-I am incredibly grateful for the trust that the Löfberg family has showed me throughout the years. Löfbergs will always have a special place in my heart, says Lars Appelqvist. Here with Kathrine Löfberg.

​Change in management at Löfbergs – Lars Appelqvist moves onto another job

After 22 years at Löfbergs, of which 12 years as CEO, Lars Appelqvist is moving onto a new job. By the turn of the year, he will take up the position as Executive Vice President for HKScan’s operations in Sweden. Lars will remain at Löfbergs until then, which gives the company plenty of time to find his successor.

Have a Coffee Break with International Coffee Partners

Have a Coffee Break with International Coffee Partners

Löfbergs believes in creating and learning together with others. ​In 2001, Löfbergs co-founded International Coffee Partners together with a number of other family-owned coffee companies. In a new serie of videos International Coffee Partners shares the motivations and aims behind the work.

Löfbergs’s new sustainability report shows that the company has educated a record number of small-scale coffee farmers, increased the share of certified coffee, halved its own climate impact and that more packaging material is plant-based.

The development of Löfbergs’s sustainability work in 2018/2019

Löfbergs adopted its first environmental policy back in 1992. Since then, the company has worked with concrete targets and measures in the sustainability field, in the producing countries as well as at home. The company is now presenting its sustainability report for the most recent financial year.

Löfbergs has halved its climate impact

Löfbergs has halved its climate impact

The goal was to cut the company’s emissions of greenhouse gases with 40 per cent by 2020. Löfbergs has now reached that goal. Less travelling by air and an increase of the share of Bio LPG are two of the adopted measures that have been contributory factors for Löfbergs’s decrease of its emissions with 50 per cent per produced ton of coffee compared to the base year of 2005.

For the next generation

For the next generation

The future. We do not know that much about it or what it will look like. But there is one thing we know for sure; it is coming. Faster than we imagine. Actually, there is one more thing. We know that the decisions we make and what we do today affect the future and how it will be. I believe it is an opportunity we have to make the most of.
Today, it is impossible not to think of Greta Thunberg w

Löfbergs receives newly instituted equality award

Löfbergs receives newly instituted equality award

The coffee roaster Löfbergs receives the Genius Award 2019 that acknowledges successful equality work. Löfbergs is awarded for its fine work for social sustainability within its own organization and in the surrounding world.

Anders Dahlqvist and Jon Leirfall Fornes accepted the award on behalf of Löfbergs Canada.

​Löfbergs won the Bronze Award at SIAL Innovation 2019

Today the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs won a prestigious Bronze Award in the SIAL Innovation competition 2019 for its assortment of iced coffee. The prize was awarded at the SIAL Fair in Toronto. The fair is one of North America's largest fairs for the food industry with over 1,000 exhibitors and 18,000 professional visitors.

"Now I am a passionate coffee farmer"

"Now I am a passionate coffee farmer"

It is Tuesday morning and the mist is slowly lifting in the small mountain village of Heliconia in Antioquia in northwest Colombia. We are on our way home to Emilio Gonzalés, one of the participants of Next Generation Coffee, Löfbergs' initiative for the next generation of coffee farmers.

​Swedish ICE Coffee and FIKA at the RC Show

​Swedish ICE Coffee and FIKA at the RC Show

Their organic, Fairtrade labelled ICE Coffee has become the Swedes favorite. How popular will it be in Canada? At the RC Show in Toronto February 24-26 you will find out. Here, the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs, a family business founded in 1906, will offer both cold and warm coffee drinks, now available in Canada.

- The solution is a bit more expensive than what we use today, but neither we nor the environment can afford anything else in the long run. The use of fossil plastics has to be reduced, says Madelene Breiling, development manager at Löfbergs.

​New climate-smarter coffee packaging

​In stores now: The new climate-smarter packaging from Löfbergs. By replacing some of the fossil plastics with a plant-based alternative, the climate impact is initially reduced with about 30 per cent.

​Löfbergs buys into Humm Europe

​Löfbergs buys into Humm Europe

It is all set that Löfbergs will be a part-owner of Humm Europe. The family-owned coffee roaster is buying a minority holding in the Sweden-based company that produces and sells Humm Kombucha, one of the leading brands on the market.

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