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​ICP provides emergency relief fund after hurricanes in Central America

​ICP provides emergency relief fund after hurricanes in Central America

As a response to the devastating effects of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in Honduras and Guatemala, International Coffee Partners (ICP) makes an emergency relief fund available. It will support 400 smallholder coffee farmer families with direct food access and restoring damaged infrastructure. In total 40,000 Euro will be available.

​Swedish fika creates growth – Waynes Coffee and Löfbergs join forces

​Swedish fika creates growth – Waynes Coffee and Löfbergs join forces

They are both a part of the Swedish fika culture. The coffee shop chain Waynes and the coffee group Löfbergs are now joining forces in a collaboration that will strengthen the two companies. As from spring of 2021, Löfbergs will be the exclusive coffee supplier to all of Waynes’s coffee shops in Europe, Middle East and Asia.

Through a collaboration between Löfbergs and Stich N Stones upcycled coffee sacks are turned into Coffee Sack Caps.

Reclaimed coffee sacks

All companies have waste material that they don’t know what to do with. Swedish based coffee company Löfbergs teamed up with Stich N Stones and figured out that they can upcycle their coffee jute sacks into Coffee Sack Caps.

- It is about converting to new renewable materials and reducing the use of disposable materials, says Josefin Nilsson at Löfbergs.

Löfbergs invests in 100% plastic-free disposable cups

Disposable cups often contain a plastic barrier layer, which makes them more difficult to recycle in a proper way. Unnecessary according to Swedish based coffee group Löfbergs, which has found a new solution that is completely plastic-free and easily can be fully recycled. It means Löfbergs takes another step towards the vision of being 100 per cent circular and generating zero waste.

​Löfbergs partner up with Sproud

​Löfbergs partner up with Sproud

Launching in October 2020, the Swedish coffee group Löfbergs rolles out a collaboration with Sproud throughout Löfbergs Out of Home market in Sweden, e.g. Foodservice, Chain customer, Facility Management, Vending, Public Sector, Free Market. With a broad assortment of sustainably sourced speciality coffee and comprehensive services, Löfbergs has reached the position as market leader.

​Löfbergs joins IKEA in commitment to halve food loss and waste

​Löfbergs joins IKEA in commitment to halve food loss and waste

Löfbergs joins IKEA in the groundbreaking “10x20x30” initiative to root out food loss and waste. 10x20x30 goes hand in hand with Löfbergs´s ambitious initiative Circular Coffee Community with the clear-cut purpose of eliminating all waste related to coffee. 10x20x30 is led by IKEA and 10+ of the world’s biggest food retailers and providers. Löfbergs is one of IKEA’s major suppliers for coffee.

As a part of Löfbergs´s focus on circular transformation, Lars Aaen Thøgersen has been appointed Chief Innovation and Circular Transformation Officer.

​Löfbergs goes all in on circular transformation

Swedish based coffee group Löfbergs is behind the ambitious initiative Circular Coffee Community with the clear-cut purpose of eliminating all waste related to coffee. To ensure focus and accelerate progress the company appoints a Chief Innovations and Circular Transformation Officer as part of the group management team. Löfbergs represent six brands in ten core markets in Europe and Canada.

Fredrik Nilsson, acting CEO of Löfbergs as from 1 November.

​He will be the acting CEO of Löfbergs

Fredrik Nilsson, 46, has been appointed acting CEO of Löfbergs as from 1 November. Fredrik is currently working as CFO at the family-owned coffee roaster, a position he will keep.

ICP has a theory to improve the smallholder farmer families’ livelihoods

ICP has a theory to improve the smallholder farmer families’ livelihoods

In 2001 Löfbergs co-founded International Coffee Partners (ICP), where eight family-owned coffee companies contribute to the development of small-scale coffee farmers. ICP’s vision is to improve smallholder farmer families’ livelihoods. ICP is committed to long-term projects and long-term impact in the coffee sustainability sector. That’s why ICP recently reworked its Theory of Change.

​Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability report

​Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability report

Löfbergs shares its sustainability successes and challenges in its sustainability report. The family-owned coffee roaster is now being awarded the Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards for its latest report. As a national winner, Löfbergs will be representing Sweden in the international final.

International Coffee Partners projects reached almost 49,000 smallholder farmers in 2019

International Coffee Partners projects reached almost 49,000 smallholder farmers in 2019

​In 2001 Löfbergs co-founded International Coffee Partners (ICP), where a number of other family-owned coffee companies contribute to the development of small-scale coffee farmers. ICP now has released its Annual Report 2019. In the past year, ICP-projects reached almost 49,000 smallholder coffee farmer families in six regions around the globe.

– It is a milestone that shows how important it is to set specific goals for your sustainability work, says Eva Eriksson, Director of Quality and Sustainability at Löfbergs.

Löfbergs and others in the Haga Initiative decrease their emissions

The ninth climate disclosure by the Haga Initiative shows that 11 of 12 member companies have reached the climate target by 2020, which is one year faster than planned. The coffee roaster Löfbergs is one of them. Altogether, the companies of the Haga Initiative have reduced their own emissions by 1.5 million tonnes of CO2e since they started measuring.
- Ten years with transparent climate targe

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