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Sustainability is the most important matter of our time according to Anders Fredriksson, CEO at Löfbergs Group.

Löfbergs presents a new sustainability report “Sustainable development crucial for our existence”

The financial year of 2020-2021 was characterised by challenges and new ways of working – and a strong belief in the future. Increased support for small-scale coffee farmers, more certified coffee, lower climate impact, and continuous investments in a circular transformation were some of the progress. That is what the new sustainability report from Löfbergs Group shows.

“Sustainability matters are always present for us, but to be able to realize all ideas we depend on partners like Circle K, who are willing and brave to try out and develop new concepts together with us,” says Martin Löfberg (left).

Great success for rescued coffee – Circle K and Löfbergs widen their cooperation against food waste

Since 80-90% of the climate effects of coffee occur in the coffee growing countries, it is valuable to minimize waste of the finished product. Löfbergs and Circle K’s new sustainability project Rescued Coffee was born from that insight; a coffee that otherwise would risk being wasted at the roasting house. After a successful pre-test, the coffee is now being launched on a wide front in Sweden.

Löfbergs strengthens the board of directors with Rosie Kropp

Löfbergs strengthens the board of directors with Rosie Kropp

Rosie Kropp has been appointed to the board of directors of the Swedish based coffee group Löfbergs. Rosie is a senior advisor in brand development, transformation and marketing. She has 25 years of experience from senior leadership positions in global companies and consulting firms.

- This means that coffee packages waste can be used as a resource, says Madelene Breiling, Supply Chain Development Manager at Löfbergs.

Coffee packages in fully recyclable mono-material about to become reality at Löfbergs

By 2030, Swedish based coffee group Löfbergs strive to be 100 % circular, which includes only using packages that are recyclable and made from renewable or recycled materials. In a recent project, Löfbergs has reached revolutionary results – successful pilot tests of what likely is the world’s first high barrier soft plastic PE mono-material prototype for coffee.

Lars Aaen Thøgersen at Löfbergs and Jimi Kristensen at Volkerts Fylke work together in Circular Coffee Community.

Companies create mutual value in circular community

The number of companies in the Circular Coffee Community is growing steadily, and the first solutions and business models are starting to sprout. The community, founded by Swedish based coffee group Löfbergs, wants to make coffee 100 percent circular.

- A real milestone, which significantly reduces Löfbergs´s climate impact, says Eva Eriksson, Head of Sustainability.

Milestone for Löfbergs: Started roasting coffee with fossil-free bioLPG

The roasting process has been one of the great sustainability challenges for the coffee group Löfbergs for a long time. Now, the family-owned coffee roaster has found a solution. The company started roasting with 100% fossil-free bioLPG at its facility in Karlstad, Sweden, last week, which significantly reduces Löfbergs’s climate impact.

The first circular coffee station is already set up at the Lilla ICA Lindvallen supermarket in Sälen, Sweden, and more are underway.

Coffee comes full circle: First ever 3D printed coffee station made from waste

Swedish coffee group Löfbergs is collaborating with 3D print entrepreneur Sculptur to transform coffee production waste into brand new coffee stations. The collaboration is part of the Circular Coffee Community and the pursuit of the group’s ambition of zero coffee waste by 2030. The World’s first 3D printed waste-based coffee station is already in operation and more are underway.

- It feels great and inspiring to be part of Löfbergs´s continuous journey, says Anders Fredriksson, appointed new CEO of Löfbergs.

He is the new CEO of Löfbergs

The Swedish-based coffee group Löfbergs has appointed Anders Fredriksson as new CEO. Anders has 20 years’ experience of management positions and is currently CEO of Norrmejerier, a Swedish diary company with a variety of national and international brands.

- We will continue to work together with others to develop and share sustainable solutions, says Eva Eriksson, Head of Sustainability at Löfbergs.

​New report: Cooperation strengthens Löfbergs in the sustainability field

Lower climate impact, more certified coffee and increased support for small-scale coffee farmers. The new sustainability report from Löfbergs shows that the family-owned coffee company continues to develop in the sustainability field. Löfbergs is now aiming at new goals: circular transformation with zero waste.

​ICP provides emergency relief fund after hurricanes in Central America

​ICP provides emergency relief fund after hurricanes in Central America

As a response to the devastating effects of Hurricanes Eta and Iota in Honduras and Guatemala, International Coffee Partners (ICP) makes an emergency relief fund available. It will support 400 smallholder coffee farmer families with direct food access and restoring damaged infrastructure. In total 40,000 Euro will be available.

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