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Finnish success for Löfbergs

Finnish success for Löfbergs

The coffee roaster Löfbergs is doing well on the Finnish market. The number of hotel and restaurant customers has increased with 50 per cent in the past year. The latest in the row of new customers is the Hotel Haikko Manor in Porvoo with its fine old traditions.

​​Löfbergs rises to greater heights in Estonia

​​Löfbergs rises to greater heights in Estonia

Löfbergs's sales in Estonia are taking off, 33 000 feet up in the air to be precise. Estonian Air will now begin serving organic and Fairtrade labelled coffee from the Swedish coffee roaster.

Scandic chose Löfbergs

Scandic chose Löfbergs

Scandic continues to serve organic and Fairtrade labelled coffee from Löfbergs. The coffee roaster has been selected after a new tendering process. It is a three-year agreement that includes more than 100 hotel units in Sweden and Finland.

Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability work

Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability work

Löfbergs is the winner of Nordic Choice Hotels's Sustainability Award. The family-owned coffee roaster is awarded for its genuine and long-term sustainability work.

An extra SEK 38 million to Fairtrade farmers

An extra SEK 38 million to Fairtrade farmers

With social and eco-receipts, Löfbergs wants to show coffee lovers that buying organic and Fairtrade labelled coffee makes a difference. In 2014, Löfbergs's customers contributed to the Fairtrade cooperatives getting an extra premium of SEK 38 million.

Löfbergs named one of the Career Companies 2015

Löfbergs named one of the Career Companies 2015

​Löfbergs is one of Sweden's 100 most exciting companies in which to make a career according to a new inquiry. Thousands of Swedish companies have been scrutinized, and the family-owned coffee roaster Löfbergs entered the top list for the first time.

​New dark roast makes an entrance

The demand for organic products is substantially increasing. That is what Löfbergs focuses on when the coffee roaster is expanding its assortment. In February, Eko Mörkrost (Organic Dark Roast) makes an entrance on the coffee shelves in Swedish grocery stores. Löfbergs is preparing for a record launch due to the great demand for organic products.

Löfbergs reduced its climate impact

Löfbergs reduced its climate impact

Even though Löfbergs increased its production, the company's climate impact decreased. This is partly due to continuous energy efficiencies and more renewable energy. At the same time, the company sold a record amount of coffee from certified farms. This is shown in the coffee group's sustainability report for 2013/2014.

Record amount of coffee from Löfbergs - which makes major investments

The financial year 2013/2014 involves new records for Löfbergs. The family-owned coffee group increased its production to closer to 29,000 metric tons, which correspond to 10.5 million cups of coffee - per day. The company now invests SEK 100 million in a new logistics centre that creates space for future expansion.

Christian Sievert takes place on Löfbergs's board

Christian Sievert takes place on Löfbergs's board

​Christian Sievert was elected member of the board of directors at AB Anders Löfberg's shareholders' meeting. Christian is 45 years old and runs the investment trust company AB Max Sievert. Christian is on several boards, for example the retail-clothing company H&M and the private equity firm AB Segulah.

Kobbs is up for a brand award

Kobbs is up for a brand award

​Löfbergs won the Signum Award in 2007. The company's tea brand can now do the same. But competitors like Crescent, Kalles, Skistar and Ving have to be defeated first. It became clear when this year's twelve finalists for the Signum Award were presented.

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