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Sodexo increased to 53 per cent Fairtrade coffee

Sodexo increased to 53 per cent Fairtrade coffee

In one year, Sodexo in Sweden has significantly increased its share of Fairtrade coffee, from 2 to 53 per cent. This has resulted in slightly more than SEK 1.5 million for coffee farmers and cooperatives. The reason behind this rise is an increased focus on sustainable business - and a change of coffee supplier.

Löfbergs invited to summit on food

Löfbergs invited to summit on food

Bill Clinton is the keynote speaker when the summit EAT - Stockholm Food Forum is arranged for the first time. The meeting gathers 650 scientists, policy-makers and business professionals from all over the world to discuss the way to a healthy and sustainable food industry. The initiator Gunhild A. Stordalen welcomes the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs as a partner.

A dream booking for this summer's festivals

A dream booking for this summer's festivals

Live Nation and Luger have landed a new artist for STHLM Fields, Stockholm Music & Arts, Way Out West and Popaganda - a coffee artist. The coffee roaster Löfbergs will be the official festival coffee of the summer.

Löfbergs ottaa paikan Suomen kansallisnäyttämöllä

Löfbergs ottaa paikan Suomen kansallisnäyttämöllä

Kahvipaahtimo Löfbergs jatkaa kasvuaan Suomessa. Vuonna 2013 myynti hotelleihin, ravintoloihin ja kahviloihin kasvoi 30 prosentilla, ja uusien asiakkaiden määrä jatkaa kasvuaan. Nyt on myös varmistunut, että Helsingin kansallisteatterin vieraat saavat jatkossa nauttia ruotsalaisen kahvipaahtimon kahvia.

Löfbergs plays a part in Finland's national theatre

Löfbergs plays a part in Finland's national theatre

The coffee roaster Löfbergs continues to grow in Finland. In 2013, the sales to hotels, restaurants and cafés went up with 30 %. The number of new customers continues to increase as well. It is now clear that the visitors of Helsinki City Theatre will be served coffee from the Swedish family business.

Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability work

Löfbergs awarded for its sustainability work

The coffee roaster Löfbergs received the award Excellent Sustainable Supplier today. The Swedish Environmental Management Council (SEMCo) rewards a company that is successfully working with the supply of green products and services.

Nordic Choice and Compass Group chose Löfbergs

Nordic Choice and Compass Group chose Löfbergs

Löfbergs secures its leading position in the Swedish Out of Home market. In a joint procurement, Nordic Choice and Compass Group chooses to prolong their agreement with the family-owned coffee roaster. Except for a lot of good coffee, the agreement involves a unique investment in sustainability.

Record number of people buying capsule coffee

Record number of people buying capsule coffee

The sale of coffee capsules is growing exponentially in Sweden - up by 50 per cent during the last twelve months. Löfbergs is growing the most; the company has increased its sales with 200 per cent. This according to recent numbers from Nielsen Company.

Africa’s coffee queen

Africa’s coffee queen

Travelling is an important part of our job. We spend around 150 days a year visiting coffee farmers around the world. Long-standing and close relations ensure quality and positive development. This time, Therese went to Ethiopia on a journey where she got to meet one of Africa’s coffee queens.

Sataprosenttisen kestävää ravintoloille ja kahviloille

Löfbergs on päättänyt, että kaiken sen myymän kahvin on viimeistään vuonna 2016 oltava peräisin kestäviksi sertifioiduilta viljelmiltä. Paahtimo on juuri ottanut aimo askeleen oikeaan suuntaan, sillä kaikki sen hotelleille, ravintoloille ja kahviloille toimittama kahvi on 1. maaliskuuta alkaen ollut sertifioitua.

The Karlstad sun – the motor of a unique testing facility

The Karlstad sun – the motor of a unique testing facility

The Karlstad sun will now have to prove worthy of its reputation as Löfbergs and ClimateWell is building the world's first large-scale testing facility of solar panels for heating as well as cooling. The new technology reduces energy use and CO2 emissions, and the project is being followed with very great interest by the European Commission among others.

100 % sustainable coffee to restaurants and cafés

By 2016, all coffee from Löfbergs will come from farms that are certified as sustainable. The family-owned coffee roaster is now taking a major step towards its goal. As from March 1, all coffee delivered to Swedish hotels, restaurants and cafés will be certified.

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