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The organic plantations of the future provide hope

Our purchasing and supply manager Martin once again travelled around the mountain slopes of Central America. He met with coffee farmer that are worried about low world-market prices at the same time as they are fighting the biggest outbreak of leaf rust for decades. But he also saw how the transition to more sustainable farming practices provides hope for the future.

New tasty capsules from Löfbergs

New tasty capsules from Löfbergs

Organic medium roast, milk capsules and Cloetta Polly. Löfbergs is now presenting three tasty new capsules. The products will hit the stores in February and will also be available in Löfbergs' web shop.

Löfbergs’ capsules increased most in 2013

Löfbergs’ capsules increased most in 2013

The capsule segment continues to grow strongly in Sweden. Sales of coffee capsules increased with 64 % in the retail trade over the last year. Löfbergs grew most of all the large operators, up with 225 % according to recent figures from AC Nielsen (December 2013).

Dark roasted favourite - now also as instant coffee

In a short time, Kharisma has become a favourite among Swedish coffee lovers. The dark roasted coffee is now introduced as freeze-dried instant coffee as well. This new product will hit the stores by the end of February. It will also be available in Löfberg's web store by then.

Löfbergs want to roast coffee in downtown Stockholm

Löfbergs want to roast coffee in downtown Stockholm

A coffee roaster in downtown Stockholm? Yes, that can become a reality if Löfbergs has it its way. The family-owned coffee roaster is looking for premises, where it can roast as well as serve coffee.

Löfbergs increases in Finland

Löfbergs increases in Finland

The coffee roaster Löfbergs continues to grow in Finland. During July to October, the sales increased with 24 % compared to the same period last year. Above all, it is the dark-roast segment that grows.

Löfbergs kasvattaa osuuttaan Suomessa

Löfbergs kasvattaa osuuttaan Suomessa

Kahvipaahtimo Löfbergs jatkaa kasvuaan Suomessa. Kahvin myynti kasvoi 24 prosentilla heinä-lokakuussa verrattuna viime vuoden samaan ajanjaksoon. Suosiotaan kasvattaa etupäässä tummapaahtoisten kahvien segmentti.

Löfbergs increased to ten million cups of coffee a day

More coffee and a better result, a slightly lower turnover and continuous expansion in Europe. That is how last year was for the Löfbergs group according to the annual report for June 2012 to June 2013.

Twice as many capsule machines

Twice as many capsule machines

It is getting more common to have a capsule machine at home according to new statistics issued by the research company GfK Sweden. A year ago, about 7 % of Swedish households had a capsule machine, today that number is 14 %.*

Coffee drinkers are showing their darker side

Are you drinking more dark roast coffee than before? You are not the only one. The dark roast coffee is gaining ground in Sweden according to new statistics issued by the research company GfK Sweden.

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