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The new sustainability report of Löfbergs: “More important than ever to dare to act and take major steps forward”

The new sustainability report of Löfbergs: “More important than ever to dare to act and take major steps forward”

The new sustainability report of Löfbergs for the prolonged financial year from July 2022 to December 2023 shows that the family-owned coffee roaster continues to make progress in the sustainability area. The company also presents a new framework for sustainable development, where the goal is to reduce emissions in the entire value chain (Scope 3) with 30% by 2030.

"I am convinced, that if we really want to make a difference and ultimately save the future of coffee, we must create radical changes at farm level," says Lars Aaen Thøgersen, CEO of GrowGrounds.

New company is set to reverse coffee's negative climate and environmental impact

Lead by experienced professionals and backed Löfbergs the new company GrowGrounds has set out to change a global coffee industry with major climate and environmental challenges. In collaboration with coffee farmers all over the world, the goal is to eliminate coffee's negative CO2 impact and restore nature, and simultaneously ensure income and better living conditions for the coffee farmers.

With Era of We, coffee farmers have the opportunity to set the price of their coffee beans themselves and market their products directly to both roasteries, consumers, and everyone who sells ready-roasted coffee.

Löfbergs Group in the forefront to disrupt the classic coffee industry with a new, global initiative that gives hope to the world's coffee farmers

A transparent coffee industry for the benefit of the farmers who grow the coffee. That is the ambition of Era of We, a new digital platform that gives coffee farmers the opportunity to set prices and create their own brands, and everyone can participate. In 2021, Löfbergs Group joined Era of We as the first roaster, launching the platform in Sweden. Now the turn has come to Denmark.

Sustainability is the most important matter of our time according to Anders Fredriksson, CEO at Löfbergs Group.

Löfbergs presents a new sustainability report “Sustainable development crucial for our existence”

The financial year of 2020-2021 was characterised by challenges and new ways of working – and a strong belief in the future. Increased support for small-scale coffee farmers, more certified coffee, lower climate impact, and continuous investments in a circular transformation were some of the progress. That is what the new sustainability report from Löfbergs Group shows.

“Sustainability matters are always present for us, but to be able to realize all ideas we depend on partners like Circle K, who are willing and brave to try out and develop new concepts together with us,” says Martin Löfberg (left).

Great success for rescued coffee – Circle K and Löfbergs widen their cooperation against food waste

Since 80-90% of the climate effects of coffee occur in the coffee growing countries, it is valuable to minimize waste of the finished product. Löfbergs and Circle K’s new sustainability project Rescued Coffee was born from that insight; a coffee that otherwise would risk being wasted at the roasting house. After a successful pre-test, the coffee is now being launched on a wide front in Sweden.

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