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Topics: Consumer affairs

Cold coffee has become a hot trend in Sweden, which has increased Löfbergs sales.

Cold coffee is hot in Sweden – 1 in 3 young coffee drinkers choose ice coffee

Sweden is one of the world’s most coffee-consuming countries. Hot coffee is dominating, but the interest for cold coffee is growing, especially among young people. This according to a new survey conducted on behalf of Löfbergs. 36 per cent of all coffee-drinking Swedes aged 18 to 29 have consumed ice coffee in the past month. It means that ice coffee is more popular than both cappuccino and latte.

- It is about converting to new renewable materials and reducing the use of disposable materials, says Josefin Nilsson at Löfbergs.

Löfbergs invests in 100% plastic-free disposable cups

Disposable cups often contain a plastic barrier layer, which makes them more difficult to recycle in a proper way. Unnecessary according to Swedish based coffee group Löfbergs, which has found a new solution that is completely plastic-free and easily can be fully recycled. It means Löfbergs takes another step towards the vision of being 100 per cent circular and generating zero waste.

​Chocolate ball cake on leftover coffee

​Chocolate ball cake on leftover coffee

Bake with leftover coffee. This a recipe of a festive chocolate ball cake. It works great to use yesterday’s coffee that you have stored in the fridge.
300 g room temperature butter
3 dl white sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
2 dl cacao
1 litre rolled oats
1 dl leftover coffee
Here’s how:
Line the cake pan with parchment paper
Beat the ingredients to an e

​Coffee syrup on leftover coffee

​Coffee syrup on leftover coffee

Syrup on leftover coffee offers a rich coffee flavour and can be used for both hot and cold beverages. Or why not pour it over a cake or some ice cream?
Here’s how:
Mix 4 parts organic sugar with 6 parts leftover coffee. Espresso coffee offers the most flavour, but fine-grind coffee works great too. Or why not mix the two?
Boil down for 10 minutes and pour the syrup into a clean bottl

​Dye fabrics with coffee grounds

​Dye fabrics with coffee grounds

A simple, climate-smart and cheap way to give stained table cloths and clothes new life with coffee grounds.
Here’s how:
Boil a big pot of water.
Soak the cloth or other fabrics and throw on a significant amount of coffee grounds (leftover coffee can also be used).
Simmer on low heat for an hour and stir every now and then for even dyeing.
When you are satisfied with the result,

​Reuse the coffee grounds

​Reuse the coffee grounds

Reuse, refine and enjoy one more time. Coffee grounds can be used for a lot of good things. Here are some of them.

Joakim Svensson, Quality Engineer, and Madelene Breiling, Supply Chain Development Manager at Löfbergs with some of Löfbergs game changing packages.

​A circular game changer

The Löfbergs group is working to close the packaging loop and contribute to a circular economy. The family-owned company recently conducted a successful test of producing fully recyclable packages made of 50% bio-based polymers. The new packaging will be used by the Danish brand, Peter Larsen Kaffe, and is approved for recycling in Denmark. It is a truly game changing package.

-I am incredibly grateful for the trust that the Löfberg family has showed me throughout the years. Löfbergs will always have a special place in my heart, says Lars Appelqvist. Here with Kathrine Löfberg.

​Change in management at Löfbergs – Lars Appelqvist moves onto another job

After 22 years at Löfbergs, of which 12 years as CEO, Lars Appelqvist is moving onto a new job. By the turn of the year, he will take up the position as Executive Vice President for HKScan’s operations in Sweden. Lars will remain at Löfbergs until then, which gives the company plenty of time to find his successor.

Lars Appelqvist, CEO of Löfbergs, chair of The Swedish Food Federation, take place in the board of FoodDrinkEurope.

​Lars Appelqvist on the board of FoodDrinkEurope

The CEO of Löfbergs, Lars Appelqvist, has been appointed to the board of directors of the European interbranch organisation FoodDrinkEurope. Lars was nominated by the national interbranch organisations in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia.

For the next generation

For the next generation

The future. We do not know that much about it or what it will look like. But there is one thing we know for sure; it is coming. Faster than we imagine. Actually, there is one more thing. We know that the decisions we make and what we do today affect the future and how it will be. I believe it is an opportunity we have to make the most of.
Today, it is impossible not to think of Greta Thunberg w

Löfbergs receives newly instituted equality award

Löfbergs receives newly instituted equality award

The coffee roaster Löfbergs receives the Genius Award 2019 that acknowledges successful equality work. Löfbergs is awarded for its fine work for social sustainability within its own organization and in the surrounding world.

Anders Dahlqvist and Jon Leirfall Fornes accepted the award on behalf of Löfbergs Canada.

​Löfbergs won the Bronze Award at SIAL Innovation 2019

Today the Swedish coffee roaster Löfbergs won a prestigious Bronze Award in the SIAL Innovation competition 2019 for its assortment of iced coffee. The prize was awarded at the SIAL Fair in Toronto. The fair is one of North America's largest fairs for the food industry with over 1,000 exhibitors and 18,000 professional visitors.

Löfbergs is launching a new concept for cold coffee beverages adjusted for restaurants, coffee bars and other players in the Out of Home market.

​Löfbergs invests in Cold Servings

The consumption of cold coffee beverages is growing rapidly, especially in Japan and the US. Europe is laggings somewhat behind – and Löfbergs wants to change that. The family-owned coffee roaster is now making great investments and is launching a completely new concept adjusted for restaurants, coffee bars and other players in the Out of Home market.

"Now I am a passionate coffee farmer"

"Now I am a passionate coffee farmer"

It is Tuesday morning and the mist is slowly lifting in the small mountain village of Heliconia in Antioquia in northwest Colombia. We are on our way home to Emilio Gonzalés, one of the participants of Next Generation Coffee, Löfbergs' initiative for the next generation of coffee farmers.