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Topics: Business enterprise, General

The new sustainability report of Löfbergs: “More important than ever to dare to act and take major steps forward”

The new sustainability report of Löfbergs: “More important than ever to dare to act and take major steps forward”

The new sustainability report of Löfbergs for the prolonged financial year from July 2022 to December 2023 shows that the family-owned coffee roaster continues to make progress in the sustainability area. The company also presents a new framework for sustainable development, where the goal is to reduce emissions in the entire value chain (Scope 3) with 30% by 2030.

"I am convinced, that if we really want to make a difference and ultimately save the future of coffee, we must create radical changes at farm level," says Lars Aaen Thøgersen, CEO of GrowGrounds.

New company is set to reverse coffee's negative climate and environmental impact

Lead by experienced professionals and backed Löfbergs the new company GrowGrounds has set out to change a global coffee industry with major climate and environmental challenges. In collaboration with coffee farmers all over the world, the goal is to eliminate coffee's negative CO2 impact and restore nature, and simultaneously ensure income and better living conditions for the coffee farmers.

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