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​We remain committed to support smallholder coffee farmer families

Press release -

​We remain committed to support smallholder coffee farmer families

Together with our friends within International Coffee Partners (ICP) we are concerned about the possible short and long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on smallholder coffee farmer families. Coffee regions in which the organization is implementing projects are increasingly affected as well.

Smallholder coffee farmer families are specifically vulnerable. They lack access to information, healthcare, reliable testing or sanitation materials like soap or disinfectants. Movement restrictions, suspending of rural markets and banning gatherings might well challenge families’ cash flows and supplies. Also, coffee operations might be affected with limited availability of services, difficulties in hiring labor during peak times, and disturbed product chains. At the same time agricultural production goes on, crop cycles continue, and families need access to food and cash.

Against this background, ICP with its shareholders Löfbergs (Sweden), Delta Cafés (Portugal), Franck (Croatia), Joh. Johannson (Norway), Lavazza (Italy), Neumann Gruppe (Germany), Paulig (Finland), and Tchibo (Germany) remains committed to continue the support of smallholder families. ICP has adapted activities accordingly to foremost work with them to jointly overcome this crisis. This is done with a number of measures. ICP remains close to the farmers as many of the extensionists live and work in rural areas. They can stay in contact with farmer families by calling them or conducting imperative individual visits. Wherever possible operations switch to digital solutions for communication like SMS-Services, Social Media or cooperation with local radio stations.

Farmer communities are continuously informed about the risks associated with the virus and governments are supported in spreading the news about regulations and recommended behavior to enable our beneficiaries and their families to best protect themselves. Remote work for office staff is in place as well as recommendations like frequent handwashing or avoiding handshakes.

To ICP it is important to show ongoing commitment to mitigate disruptions caused by natural and health events by giving practical help to the coffee farmer families in ICP project regions. So does ICP continue to stand side-by-side with smallholder farmer families during the COVID-19 pandemic. They need ongoing support even more right now.

- The call for keeping distance from each other to prevent the further spreading of the new Coronavirus might separate us physically. Socially we are closer to each other than ever. And for us at ICP that means to stay connected with the coffee farmer families we work with as much as possible, says ICP-Chairperson Kathrine Löfberg.

ICP and its implementing partner Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS) feel a strong responsibility for both beneficiaries and staff in the project countries Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Indonesia, Brazil, Honduras and Guatemala.

It is ensured that the most essential messages to continue farming operations are conveyed.

- Our offices are already adapting their work based on local government regulations and are analyzing where farmers stand in the production and marketing cycle of their harvests, how farmers can secure their own food supply in times of the crisis, and how we can help securing the incomes of farmer households, says ICP Managing Director Michael Opitz.

The COVID-19 pandemic will influence rural areas and agriculture for months to come. At International Coffee Partners we are confident that together we will navigate as efficient as possible through this crisis.

More information:
Jesko Johannsen, ICP Communication,
Anders Thorén, Media Relations Manager, Löfbergs,

About ICP
International Coffee Partners (ICP) is a pre-competitive initiative of the leading European family-owned coffee companies, Löfbergs of Sweden, Delta Cafés of Portugal, Franck of Croatia, Paulig of Finland, Joh. Johannson of Norway, Lavazza of Italy, Neumann Gruppe of Germany and Tchibo of Germany. ICP’s objective is to contribute know-how to establish a sustainable coffee sector in key producing countries through the implementation of best-practice projects in coffee farmer communities. Since 2001, ICP has reached more than 80,000 smallholder families in 12 countries.


The coffee roaster Löfbergs is a Swedish Family Business founded in 1906. We are 350 coffee lovers operating in Northern Europe and Canada, sharing the passion for taste, trends and sustainability. We have a turnover of SEK 1.9 billion and is one of the world's largest purchasers of organic and Fairtrade-labeled coffee. Löfbergs is a part of the Löfbergs group who also owns the brands Green Cup, Kobbs, Percol, Peter Larsen Kaffe and SuperBonobo. Website


Anders Thorén

Anders Thorén

Press contact Head of Corporate Communications +46 703 55 64 22

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