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Great interest in Löfbergs Lila's sustainability work

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Great interest in Löfbergs Lila's sustainability work

The interest in Löfbergs Lila's sustainability work is increasing. Recently, Lars Appelqvist, CEO at Löfbergs Lila, participated in a breakfast seminar about climate policy in the Riksdag. On Monday, May, 7, Kathrine Löfberg is going to Stockholm to discuss sustainable consumption with Åsa Romson, spokesperson for the Swedish Green Party. 

On May 8, Kathrine is also invited as a special guest to talk about companies' responsibility in sustainability work at a conference organized by Miljörapporten Förlag, an independent, privately-owned publishing company within the environmental and sustainability field

- It feels great that our sustainability work is being noticed from different directions. We have been working with these issues for a long time and we know that sustainability work is profitable and makes a difference for both people and the environment, says Kathrine Löfberg, director of communications at Löfbergs Lila.

New tough sustainability objectives
Sustainability work is not a new thing for the more than 100 year old coffee company. In the beginning of the 1990's, Löfbergs Lila was first in Sweden to remove the aluminium from its packages. So far, that has saved 1.000 metric tonnes of aluminium, which is equivalent to 70 million 33cl cans. And despite the fact that the production volume has doubled since 1991, the energy consumption today is the same as 30 years ago. This saving is equivalent to the annual consumption of 1.300 houses. 

- Now, we aim even higher. In 2016, all coffee that we sell will be certified; our climate impact will decrease with 40 % until 2020 and at the same time, we will only use renewable energy in our production, says Kathrine Löfberg.

For more information, please contact:
Kathrine Löfberg, Director of Communications, Löfbergs Lila, +46 (0) 54-14 01 20



Löfbergs Lila is one of the largest family-owned coffee roasters in the Nordic countries. The company has 280 employees and a turnover of SEK 1.5 billion. The head office is situated in Karlstad, Sweden and the company has its own roasting-houses in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Latvia. Löfbergs Lila was founded in 1906 and is today one of the world's largest importers of ecological and Fairtrade labelled coffee. Löfbergs Lila also owns the tea brand Kobbs.


Anders Thorén

Anders Thorén

Press contact Head of Corporate Communications +46 703 55 64 22

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