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​Are you making a difference when choosing certified coffee?

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​Are you making a difference when choosing certified coffee?

What difference do you really make when choosing coffee from certified farms? A big one actually! All according to estimates that the coffee roaster Löfbergs has made.

Löfbergs has developed the tool Sustainable Quotations that shows what tangible effects you contribute to when selecting coffee from certified farms. The tool is mostly used for customers within hotels, restaurants and cafés. The family-owned coffee roaster has now had a look at the effects of all coffee it sells.

Today, the entire assortment from Löfbergs has a sustainability label. In 2017, Löfbergs purchased 10,250 metric tons of organic coffee, 5,140 metric tons of Fairtrade coffee and 8,920 metric tons of Rainforest Alliance coffee. It means that customers and consumers that chose coffee from Löfbergs contributed to:

  • A decrease in fertilizers with 2,100 metric tons
  • A decrease in chemical pesticides with 212 metric tons
  • An area corresponding to 18,800 football fields being converted to organic farming
  • The disbursement of SEK 54.7 million in extra bonuses for small-scale coffee farmers

Not too bad! As a consumer, you are clearly making a difference by choosing coffee from certified farms.


Different labels in short:

  • Organic
    Shows that the coffee has been farmed without any chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Fairtrade
    Guarantees a minimum price and an extra bonus for the cooperative.
  • Rainforest Alliance
    Focuses on biodiversity and sustainable farming methods, for example.



Anders Thorén

Anders Thorén

Press contact Head of Corporate Communications +46 703 55 64 22

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